Friday, June 19, 2020


Dear diary

On the chunuk bair,August 8 1915

Bullets seemed to be whizzing and sputtering from all sides, left right and front. Just after lieutenant waldren gave us the range he got shot. His last words to us were “carry on boys”. Then he died in the arms of who i believe was sgt winters who was no.5 on the gun. Almost Immediately after our captain died our gun corporal, liam bettie got shot right in the head and died instantly, i dragged him to where no one could shoot us.

We are in gallipoli right now and the weather is crap as here. Its real muddy and pouring with rain. My boots are filled with water and my back is sore from carrying my big bag. I wish I could be home laying in my bed and seeing my family. I miss my friends, my bed, my partner and my family and being home. That's how war is going for me. 



A grenade is a tool that blows up and it was used to kill people and blow up stuff.

Their parts are a pin explosive liquid body safety clip and fuze m22a8. 

How it works once the soldier  throws  the grenade the safety lever the striker throws the safety lever away from the grenade body as it rotates to detonate the primer.

Where it worked it worked in ww1 and ww2 to kill the enemies and to blow up the vericels. 

Special features the fuze burns down to the detonator which explodes the main charge.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

We were learning about making sure our online information is not public when it´s personal.
I found it really hard to know about what to share and what to keep private because it has became so easy to share what i do on things like instagram. 

I found it very easy to create the image of me as i have done this kind of thing before.

Next time i will take more time to craft my writing to ensure my vocabulary and senteces structures reflect my writing level